High-throughput proteomics

AIT has long lasting experience with the OLINK® Proximity Extension Assay (PEA) – technology for targeted high-throughput proteomics analysis and acts as service provider, supporting customers from experimental planning & study design to pre-analytics processing and standardisation, sample analysis, bioinformatic data analysis, visualisation and interpretation. A broad range of assay formats enables your proteomics analysis at different scale for several sample types and various applications.

olink grafik

Having a broad technology portfolio including OLINK® technology, AIT-Molecular Diagnostics offers also multi-omics analysis.

AIT is ISO9001 certified and have been qualified by OLINK to provide services based on Olink® technology.

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2023 HMD Olink Grafik NEU

Image(AIT): Olink assays for targeted proteomics analysis

OLINK® Proximity Extension Assay (PEA) - technology

OLINK® PEA technology is based on the detection of biomarkers generated by binding specific pairs of DNA-tagged antibodies. Matched DNA-tags form hybridization products, and Proximity Extension Assay (PEA) technology forms reporter-templates for multiplexed PCR amplification enabling high-throughput detection of the DNA-reporter-sequences by qPCR or NGS. Due to PCR amplification, this technology allows parallel quantification of many markers over a wide range of several orders of magnitudes, although when biomarkers are present at very different levels in the original specimen. Thus relative quantification of panels of 92, 384 or a total of 3072 biomarkers can be performed from minute amounts of sample volume in a very efficient manner.

See: https://www.olink.com/our-platform/our-pea-technology/

olink services


OLINK® key features

  • high-throughput proteomics compatible with different sample types
  • low sample consumption
  • high specificity due to use of of target specific antibodies pairs
  • high sensitivity & wide dynamic range – due to PCR-based readout
  • optimised biomarker detection range according to human serum & plasma
  • broad range of clinically and biologically relevant panels available for discovery and / or confirmation –  and customised flex panels for e.g. validation


OLINK® Proximity Extension Assay (PEA) -technology provides powerful proteomics analysis. The power of this technology and the broad variety of applications are reflected be a stunning high and rapidly growing number of scientific  publications – by end of 2022 over 1100 scientific publications.

OLINK® formats provided

Olink Target 96 provides targeted protein biomarker panels for analysing specific proteins related to a particular disease or biological function. They enable you to gain new insights into disease processes, improve disease detection and contribute to a better understanding of biology. 

• Choose from 15 carefully designed panels available for human (14) and mouse (1)
Each panel is focused on a specific area of disease or key biology process
• Broad library of over 1100 established or exploratory protein biomarkers
• High quality data with exceptional readout specificity from our Proximity Extension Assay (PEA) technology
• Relative quantification


Human EDTA plasma and serum are the recommended sample types. Human citrate plasma and heparin plasma are also accepted. These Olink Target 96 panels are recommended by OLINK when aiming analysis of other sample types e.g. cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), tissue or cell lysates.
For other sample types, please inquire.

Cardiovascular Panels

  1. Olink Target 96 Cardiometabolic (92)
  2. Olink Target 96 Cardiovascular II (92)
  3. Olink Target 96 Cardiovascular III (92)

Oncology Panels

  1. Olink Target 96 Oncology II (92)
  2. Olink Target 96 Oncology III (92)

Immuno-Oncology Panels

  1. Olink Target 96 Immuno-Oncology (92)
  2. Olink Target 96 Immune Response (92)

Neurology Panels

  1. Olink Target 96 Neuro Exploratory (92)
  2. Olink Target 96 Neurology (92)

Inflammation Panel

  1. Olink Target 96 Inflammation (92)

Biological process Panels

  1. Olink Target 96 Organ Damage (92)
  2. Olink Target 96 Development (92)
  3. Olink Target 96 Metabolism (92)
  4. Olink Target 96 Cell Regulation (92)
  5. Olink Target 96 Mouse Exploratory (92) 

– Olink® Target 48 Cytokine (45)
The Olink® Target 48 Cytokine panel offers carefully selected and validated assays covering 45 protein biomarkers important in inflammation and immune system regulation which are often involved in disorders like autoimmune diseases, neurological diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, asthma, obesity, diabetes, psoriasis, and more.
Parallel measurement of all proteins is possible from only 1 µL of sample. In contrast to Target 96 products all Target 48 panels enable absolute quantification with output in pg/mL in addition to NPX values.


– Olink® Target 48 Immune Surveillance (44)
The Olink® Target 48 Immune Surveillance is a thoroughly validated human plasma-free panel that delivers quantification of 44 biomarkers in pg/mL, relevant for Immuno-oncology, Autoimmune Diseases, Transplantation, Vaccine, Allergy and Infection Immunity using only 1 μL sample.
Olink® Target 48 Immune Surveillance can be performed in parallel with Olink® Target 48 Cytokine to expand the coverage of biomarkers relevant for key therapeutic areas, delivering quantification of up to 89 proteins from just 2 μL of sample.


– Olink® Target 48 Mouse Cytokine (43)
With the Olink® Target 48 Mouse Cytokine panel it is possible to monitor longitudinal studies from murine immune response from only 1 µl of mouse sample. This reduces the variability of the study tremendously as the required animal use is minimized. 43 targets (relevant for Inflammation, Immune Response and Immuno-oncology) are measured in parallel, and the data will be provided in pg/ml (absolute quantification).
There is a 42% overlap between the Olink® Target 48 Cytokine and Olink® Target 48 Mouse Cytokine panels enabaling translational research on the same platform.


Supported sample types and numbers

All Olink® Target 48 products are validated for Plasma and Serum but are compatible with a multitude of other matrices. Human EDTA, acid citrate dextrose, and sodium heparin plasma and serum are the recommended sample types. Variations observed between responses in heparin, citrate plasma and serum, as compared to EDTA plasma, were generally small and all assays should therefore function without limitation in these sample types. For other sample types, please inquire.

Due to the layout of the qPCR Dynamic arrays, 40 samples per analysis run (or multiples thereof) are recommended.

Olink Flex is a flexible, made-to-order biomarker assay that can measure up to 30 human proteins across 40 samples simultaneously. Select and combine targets from a broad mix-and-match library of ~200 inflammation-related human proteins with 99% combinability. Consumes only 1 µL per sample. Results are reported in absolute quantification (pg/mL) and relative quantification (NPX).

Build the Olink Flex assay from scratch using a panel builder or select from curated template panels for cytokine storm, immuno-oncology, or interferon stimulation. Once the order is placed, analysis will be completed within 10 weeks. The minimum order is one assay for up to 30 proteins and 40 samples. Learn more 


Olink Focus is a custom-made assay that provides an ideal solution for protein biomarker validation and beyond. Select and combine up to 21 proteins from the entire protein library of ~3000 human proteins. 144 or 160 samples can be analyzed simultaneously in one assay. Results are reported in absolute quantification (pg/mL) or relative quantification (NPX), and the validation level is customized based on your research needs.

The minimum order is a panel that enables the analysis of up to 21 proteins for 1000 samples. Olink experts will help you design your Olink Focus panel. Once the order is placed, the panel will be developed in less than 6 months. Learn more

SAMPLE TYPE – please inquire.


With Olink® Explore 3072, you have access to the entire Olink® protein library of ~3000 protein assays for exploratory proteomics and multi-omics studies. For more focused projects, you can choose from one or several of the eight Explore 384-plex panels that make up the Explore 3072 library.

The Explore 3072 library consists of eight disease and biological process focused Explore 384-plex panels. This offering is flexible and scalable, using approximately 1 µL of blood sample per 384-plex panel. You can either simultaneously screen the entire library or focus on one or several of the Explore 384-plex panels. Disease relevant biomarkers can also be placed in other Explore 384 panels for optimal readout quality.


1. Olink® Explore 384 Cardiometabolic
2. Olink® Explore 384 Cardiometabolic II
3. Olink® Explore 384 Inflammation
4. Olink® Explore 384 Inflammation II
5. Olink® Explore 384 Neurology
6. Olink® Explore 384 Neurology II
7. Olink® Explore 384 Oncology
8. Olink® Explore 384 Oncology II

Sample type
Human EDTA plasma and serum are the recommended sample types. Human citrate plasma and heparin plasma are also accepted. For other sample types e.g. cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), tissue or cell lysates please we recommend Olink Target 96 panels. Please note that protein expression levels are expected to vary in different sample types and certain assays may be affected by interfering substances such as hemolysate. For other sample types, please inquire.


The Olink® Explore HT panel is a high throughput biomarker discovery panel which targets more than 5.400 proteins (inflammatory proteins, tissue-enriched proteins, blood secreted proteins, drug target proteins, exploratory proteins). All protein assays are highly validated and with only 2 µl sample (plasma, serum) input the assay has a specificity of 99,5%. Multiples of 172 samples can be analyzed in parallel. 


Sample sending and (pre-)processing

Usually diverse sample types as indicated in the specific sections can be processed without any specific requirements. In certain cases and upon request AIT can offer pre-processing like protein concentration measurements for standardization, sample concentration or dilution and aliquoting samples for specific project settings. These requirements should be defined and considered in advance.

Sample sending: sample-volume 30µl in 96 well plate (v-bottom – skirted) / tightly closed / sealed with aluminium foil suitable for -80°C, please spin down before freezing and send on dry ice.

SAMPLE LAYOUT and positions in the plate has to be defined according to the experiment descriptor layout and provided via email. Provide the reference number of the offer in the respective field.

Shipping address:
Molecular Diagnostics
Center for Health & Bioresources
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 4| 1210 Vienna | Austria

– Optionally AIT can send back left-overs from samples at customer’s expensed – please let us know.

How it works

olink how it works


Service Request

Analysis request:
Please contact us via email to molecular-diagnostics@ait.ac.at – we will respond within one business day.

Shipping address:
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Center for Health & Bioresources
Competence Unit Molecular Diagnostics
Giefinggasse 4
1210 Vienna